Frequently Asked Questions

What is a therapeutic tea and how are they different from regular tea?

While sipping tea is primarily for the enjoyment it offers, therapeutic or healing teas are taken for the subtle alterations in body chemistry they provide, bring the internal systems back into balance, supporting the body while they hasten healing.  They can cleanse and detoxify, alleviate pain, reduce fever, induce sweating, boost the defensive forces of the body, fight infection, sweeten a sour stomach, calm a disturbed intestinal tract, expel worms, cure scurvy, ease involuntary spasm, stem hemorrhage (both internally and externally), strengthen and stabilize a faulty heart, increase the discharge of urine, cause vomiting, induce coughing to bring up phlegm, dissolve blockages, support a tired liver, calm the nerves, help with a difficult childbirth, even put you to sleep or wake you up.  Therapeutic teas are traditionally brewed from herbs and other natural medicinals found in nature’s pharmacy. Herbal Healing offers ninetherapeutic teas– Cleansing Tea, Digestive Tea, Flu&Cold Relief Tea, Headache Tea, Healthy Foundations Tea, Pregnancy Tea, Stress Release Tea, Vitality Tea and Women’s Blend Tea.

One of our most popular teas is ourDigestive Tea. The four herbs in this blend help to relieve and heal digestive problems; lemon balm, lynden, meadowsweet and peppermint. To read more about the healing properties of each herb go to ourHerbal Properties page . This blend is delicious either hot or cold.

Yes, we offer three headache aids. Our therapeuticHeadache Tea, ourHeadache Tincture, contain the same ingredients – meadowsweet, passion flower, chamomile, feverfew and rosemary. They are especially effective when taken regularly to help keep the headaches at bay. OurHeadache Relief Roll-oncontains peppermint and lavender essential oils and used topically, helps to reduce anxiety and alleviate pain.

Yes, we offer a few different products that alleviate the symptoms of menopause.Black Cohosh Tinctureand/orPassion Flower Tincturehelp to relieve stress and to alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.Red Clover TeaorRed Clover Tinctureis an excellent overall tonic and blood purifier. Many of our customers find that it alleviates hot flashes and night sweats as well.  Another reputable Tincture isAstragalus, which alleviates night sweats and improves sleep. OurWild Yam Salveand/orWild Yam Tincturehas a significant effect on the balancing of female hormones and helps relieve irritability.

Herbal Healing makes an excellentDiaper Rash Salvethat is cleansing and healing for open wounds, cuts and ulcers, and promotes cell repair.  It is also safe and soothing for sore nipples for a nursing mother.

We make a moisturizingHand and Body Lotionor you may want to try ourHeavenly Body Butter, which is loaded with extra nourishing oils. OurAll Heal Salveis another alternative that is particularly useful for cracked heals or badly chapped hands.

Yes, we have several remedies for arthritis.  Our Arthritis Blend Tincture contains Cramp Bark, Meadowsweet, Licorice and Turmeric, all of which are anti-inflammatory and pain relieving.  Other Tinctures of benefit for arthritis are Black CohoshDevil’s ClawSt. John’s Wort and Wild Yam.  Some types of inflammation may be reduced by herbs that stimulate the eliminatory organs, such as Dandelion Leaf and Dandelion Root Tinctures or Dandelion Leaf Tea.

For external relief our Stimulating Liniment Oil is anti-inflammatory and pain relieving and may be massaged into inflamed, swollen and sore joints.

Our Stimulating Muscle and Joint Salve opens up tissues in the body to an increased flow of blood, produces natural warmth, equalizes the circulation and accelerates oxygenation of cells.  It is particularly useful for rheumatism, neuralgia and backache.

Our products are natural and in many instances certified organic. Wherever appropriate, only natural preservatives are used. Without the addition of chemical preservatives, shelf-life can be somewhat limited:

  • Tea Blends will retain their herbal properties for up to 2 years if stored properly. Store away from direct heat and light, preferably in a glass jar.
  • Therapeutic Salves & Oils, which contain natural oils generally last about 6 – 9 months. The addition of essential oil help to retain them, but if you are not planning on using the product within this timeframe, we recommend refrigeration to extend shelf-life.
  • Face & Body Products generally last for about 1 year. Again, refrigeration is recommended to extend shelf-life beyond this time period.
  • Bath Care – Our Bath Salts and Milk Bath, if stored properly with a sealed lid, will retain freshness for approximately 1 year. Scrubs, due to oil content, last about 6 – 9 months.

You bet! You can select individual product items to be packaged as a gift basket or gift bag. We also cater to corporate and group functions.Contact our creative staff for ideas.

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